The greater likelihood of inclement weather for travel is one of the major concerns with Thanksgiving. Traveling during the holidays can be stressful enough, but if you’re driving a long distance and snow is expected, the stress increases twofold. However, you can be ready for anything by following these guidelines.
Consider Traffic
The day before Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year, both for air and ground travel. If possible, leave early for your trip to avoid the traffic. A terrible line of traffic is the last thing you want to get caught in during a severe storm.
Monitor the Weather
Keep an eye on the weather forecast if you have any Thanksgiving travel plans for a specific day. If it’s forecasted to snow on your travel day, you might need to change your plans. Unfortunately, some people find this impractical. If you can’t alter your plans, make sure you are at least equipped to handle any inclement weather that may arise.
Equip Your Vehicle
In order to travel throughout the winter, have your car ready. This entails installing snow tires, checking your oil, making sure your heater is functional, and preparing a survival kit in case you become trapped. Keep your car in good condition all winter long because it could save your life if you ever need it.
Drive with Respect
Be considerate to those around you when you get on the road. You can help ensure that everyone stays safe on the road by driving courteously and cautiously. Everyone has a destination. Avoid cutting others off, drive slowly and defensively, and try to help out if you spot someone in trouble. It is after all the season for giving!
No matter where your holiday travels take you, remembering to plan beforehand and keep an open mind can ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.
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